PLM Law school conducts Legal Aid program in Tondo

13 March 2015

As the People's Law School, the PLM College of Law realized once again its vision of strengthening the students' sense of commitment to public service through the 2nd Legal Aid Clinic Program held at Bo. Menu Covered Court, Brgy. 48, District 1, Tondo, Manila, on February 28, 2015.

The program aims to provide free legal assistance to indigent citizens of the City of Manila, as well as to equip the students of law a hands-on experience on legal practice. The legal aid clinic enables student involvement with the local community.

Under the Legal Assistance Program, students are expected to be exposed to various legal problems from the grassroots level through legal consultation. As Manila scholars, the PLM Law students find opportunities to apply legal theories and principles by reaching out to the community and making their law school experience more relevant to their stakeholders -- the residents and taxpayers of Manila.

The mechanics of the program were discussed during the Legal Aid Clinic College Orientation spearheaded by Law de​an Ernesto P. Maceda, Jr. and associate dean Marisol DL. Anenias on February 16, 2015.

Assigned with their respective designation and assignments, the law students were divided into two zones. The white zone, composed of first and second year students, accommodated the clients and asked about their personal circumstances. The clients were directed to the yellow zones where they were interviewed and given legal advice by the third and fourth year students.

A Legal Assistance Program Working Manual has guided the actual conduct of the legal aid clinic.

To ensure accurate and efficient legal advice, the Law students were assisted by several PLM lawyers who served as supervising attorneys.​

According to Anenias, the Legal Aid Clinic is now part of the three-fold program prescribed by the Legal Education Board (LEB). The PLM College of Law, along with the other top law schools in the country, has already complied with the Board's legal mandate through the Practice Court or Moot Court program and the Legal Internship Program (CLLIP).


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